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The source for daily dispatches on all things unicorn.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Honorary Unicorn: The Rare Single-Antlered Roe Deer

Our third featured "Honorary Unicorn" is the rare single-antlered roe deer. In 2008, Italian researchers reported the birth of a single-antlered deer. This young, male deer has a genetic abnormality that produced one antler, instead of the normal two. Interestingly, the antler is also located in the center of his head, resembling a unicorn! Some historians argue that this rare genetic occurrence in deer may be the origin of the unicorn myth!

Image courtesy of discovery.com

To learn more about this Honorary Unicorn (and to see video footage of this adorable baby deer!) check out the story at discovery.com.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Deck the Halls... or Tree... With Unicorns!

Continuing with our recent holiday theme, I wanted to share these spectacular unicorn and pegasus Christmas ornaments (or anytime ornaments, really, because unicorns never go out of style).

Unicorn In Bubble Collectible Decoration Design Ornament
Unicorn In Bubble Collectible Decoration Design Ornament

Unicorn Fantasy Art Christmas Ornament Collection: Set One
 by The Bradford Editions
Unicorn Fantasy Art Christmas Ornament Collection: Set One by The Bradford Editions